PCA in R

In R, there are several functions from different packages that allow us to perform PCA. These include;

Note, although prcomp sets scale=FALSE for consistency with S, in general scaling is advised. We will demonstrate first pca of unscaled and then scaled data. Scaling scaled the variables to have unit variance and is advised before analysis takes place.

We will demonstrate some of these and explore these using exploR

Equivalents across methods

Give an input matrix P and result res

Function loadings scores plot
prcomp(P, center=TRUE, scale=TRUE) res$rotation res$x biplot(res)
princomp(P, cor=TRUE) res$loadings res$scores biplot(res)
PCA(P) res$svd$V res$ind$coord plot(res)
dudi.pca(P, center=TRUE, scale=TRUE) res$c1 res$li scatter(res)

With ade4::dudi.pca and prcomp the default is center = TRUE, scale = TRUE.But with princomp, cor=FALSE by default.

Toy data

Create a cloud of points; two vectors, x,y of length 100.

set.seed(2) #sets the seed for random number generation.
x <- 1:100 #creates a vector x with numbers from 1 to 100
ex <- rnorm(100, 0, 30) #100 normally distributed random numbers, mean=0, sd=30
ey <- rnorm(100, 0, 30) # 100 normally distributed random numbers, mean=0, sd=30
y <- 30 + 2 * x #sets y to be a vector that is a linear function of x
x_obs <- x + ex #adds "noise" to x
y_obs <- y + ey #adds "noise" to y
plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1
plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

Save both vectors in a matrix of toy data called P

P <- cbind(x_obs,y_obs) #places points in matrix
##      x_obs            y_obs       
##  Min.   :-53.33   Min.   : 14.13  
##  1st Qu.: 21.44   1st Qu.: 97.22  
##  Median : 44.37   Median :134.91  
##  Mean   : 49.58   Mean   :131.88  
##  3rd Qu.: 77.91   3rd Qu.:174.29  
##  Max.   :155.78   Max.   :252.63

Plot x,y. Show center (mean (x), mean(y)) on plot

plot(P,asp=1,col=1) #plot points
points(x=mean(x_obs),y=mean(y_obs),col="orange", pch=19) #show center
plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-3
plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-3

Computing via svd of unscaled, centered, covariance matrix

PCA can be computed as a singular value decomposition of a column centered matrix. Therefore we first processs the matrix. In this example, we don’t scale. This is not advised.

#center matrix
M <- cbind(x_obs-mean(x_obs),y_obs-mean(y_obs))
Mx<- scale(P, center=TRUE,scale=FALSE)

M equal to Mx, ignore col names

all.equal(M, Mx, check.attributes=FALSE)
## [1] TRUE

Eigenvector, Eigenvalues of the centered, covariance matrix

The eigenvectors of the covariance matrix provide the principal axes, and the eigenvalues quantify the fraction of variance explained in each component.

creates covariance matrix

MCov <- cov(M)

compute eigen values and vectors

eigenvalues <- eigen(MCov)$values
## [1] 4110.45 1189.45

(This is the same as prcomp PCA of the unscaled data)

## [1] 4110.45 1189.45

and similar to princomp

##   Comp.1   Comp.2 
## 4069.345 1177.556
eigenVectors <- eigen(MCov)$vectors
##           [,1]       [,2]
## [1,] 0.4527354 -0.8916449
## [2,] 0.8916449  0.4527354

which is equivalent to

##             PC1        PC2
## x_obs 0.4527354 -0.8916449
## y_obs 0.8916449  0.4527354

The right singular vectors are the eigenvectors of MtM. Next I plot the principal axes (yellow):

plot(P,asp=1,col=1) #plot points
points(x=mean(x_obs),y=mean(y_obs),col="orange", pch=19) #show center
plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-12
plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-12

This shows the first principal axis. Note that it passes through the mean as expected. The ratio of the eigenvectors gives the slope of the axis.

Next plot the second principal axis, orthlogonal to the first

plot(P,asp=1,col=1) #plot points
points(x=mean(x_obs),y=mean(y_obs),col="orange", pch=19) #show center

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-13 shows the second principal axis, which is orthogonal to the first (recall that the matrix Vt in the singular value decomposition is orthogonal). This can be checked by noting that the second principal axis is also

as the product of orthogonal slopes is -1.

PCA (scaled data) using svd

Singular value decomposition of M. The singular value decomposition of M decomposes it into M=UDVt where D is a diagonal matrix and both U and Vt are orthogonal matrices.

The output is

d - a vector containing the singular values u - the left singular vectors v - the right singular vectors of x

The columns u from the SVD correspond to the principal components x in the PCA.

Furthermore, the matrix v from the SVD is equivalent to the rotation matrix returned by prcomp.

Now repeat the code above but scale and center the data scale(P, center=TRUE, scale=TRUE).

any(M == scale(P)) #FALSE
## [1] FALSE
all(scale(P, center=TRUE, scale=TRUE)== scale(P)) #TRUE
## [1] TRUE

scale(P, center=TRUE, scale=TRUE)

p0$d #the singular values
## [1] 12.065827  7.239877
p0$v #the right singular vectors
##           [,1]       [,2]
## [1,] 0.7071068 -0.7071068
## [2,] 0.7071068  0.7071068

The eigenvalues are

##          [,1]     [,2]
## [1,] 12.06583 0.000000
## [2,]  0.00000 7.239877

Which is

diag(t(p0$u) %*% M %*% p0$v)
## [1] 612.6218 367.5924

Eigenvalues from svd on the scaled data. The diagonal elements of d from the SVD are proportional to the standard deviations (sdev) returned by PCA.

The elements of d are formed by taking the sum of the squares of the principal components but not dividing by the sample size.

Therefore we can devide by the sample size, which is either the ncol or nrow of the matrix -1.

p0$d^2/(nrow(p0$u) - 1)
## [1] 1.4705472 0.5294528
eigs= p0$d^2/(nrow(p0$u) - 1)
## [1] 1.4705472 0.5294528

Summary of eigs

eigSum.svd= rbind(
eigs= eigs,
SD = sqrt(eigs),
Proportion = eigs/sum(eigs),
Cumulative = cumsum(eigs)/sum(eigs))
##                 [,1]      [,2]
## eigs       1.4705472 0.5294528
## SD         1.2126612 0.7276350
## Proportion 0.7352736 0.2647264
## Cumulative 0.7352736 1.0000000


First stats::prcomp. The eigenvectors are stored in $rotation. Note these are the same as svd$v on scale data

p1<- prcomp(P, scale = TRUE)
##             PC1        PC2
## x_obs 0.7071068 -0.7071068
## y_obs 0.7071068  0.7071068
(p1$rotation== p0$v)
##        PC1  PC2
## x_obs TRUE TRUE
## y_obs TRUE TRUE

eigenvalues - sdev eigenvector - rotation

## [1] "sdev"     "rotation" "center"   "scale"    "x"
## Importance of components:
##                           PC1    PC2
## Standard deviation     1.2127 0.7276
## Proportion of Variance 0.7353 0.2647
## Cumulative Proportion  0.7353 1.0000

To calculated eigenvalues information manually here is the code;

eigs= p1$sdev^2
eigSum.pca= rbind(
SD = sqrt(eigs),
Proportion = eigs/sum(eigs),
Cumulative = cumsum(eigs)/sum(eigs))
##                 [,1]      [,2]
## eigs       1.4705472 0.5294528
## SD         1.2126612 0.7276350
## Proportion 0.7352736 0.2647264
## Cumulative 0.7352736 1.0000000
## [1] TRUE

If we had more components, we could generate a scree plot. Its not very useful with 2 components, but here is the code

Caculate the Proportion of Variance explained by each component (eig sum Proportion above)

ProportionVariance = p0$d^2 /sum(p0$d^2 )
## [1] 0.7352736 0.2647264
plot(ProportionVariance, xlim = c(0, 5), type = "b", pch = 16, xlab = "principal components",
ylab = "variance explained")
plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-27
plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-27


princomp was written for compatiblity with S-PLUS however it is not recommended. Its is better to use prcomp or svd. That is because by default princomp performs a decompostion of the covariance not correlation matrix. Princomp can call eigen on the correlation or covariance matrix. Its default calculation uses divisor N for the covariance matrix.

##   Comp.1   Comp.2 
## 4069.345 1177.556

sqrt of eigenvalues

##   Comp.1   Comp.2 
## 63.79142 34.31553


## Loadings:
##       Comp.1 Comp.2
## x_obs  0.453  0.892
## y_obs  0.892 -0.453
##                Comp.1 Comp.2
## SS loadings       1.0    1.0
## Proportion Var    0.5    0.5
## Cumulative Var    0.5    1.0
##         Comp.1     Comp.2
## [1,] -94.48864 -36.682917
## [2,] -99.33030   3.293649

Set cor = TRUE in your call to princomp in order to perform PCA on the correlation matrix (instead of the covariance matrix)

p2b<-princomp(P, cor = TRUE)
##    Comp.1    Comp.2 
## 1.4705472 0.5294528
## Loadings:
##       Comp.1 Comp.2
## x_obs  0.707  0.707
## y_obs  0.707 -0.707
##                Comp.1 Comp.2
## SS loadings       1.0    1.0
## Proportion Var    0.5    0.5
## Cumulative Var    0.5    1.0

For more info on prcomp v princomp see http://www.sthda.com/english/articles/31-principal-component-methods-in-r-practical-guide/118-principal-component-analysis-in-r-prcomp-vs-princomp/


FactoMineR::PCA calls svd to compute the PCA


plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-34plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-34

The eigenvalues, same as eigSum and eigSum.svd above

##                                      comp 1      comp 2
## eigenvalue                         1.470547   0.5294528
## percentage of variance            73.527362  26.4726382
## cumulative percentage of variance 73.527362 100.0000000

correlations between variables and PCs

##          Dim.1      Dim.2
## x_obs 0.857481  0.5145157
## y_obs 0.857481 -0.5145157


First ade4::dudi.pca scales the data and stores the scaled data in $tab. In PCA this will be almost equivalent to scale. However there is a minor difference (see https://pbil.univ-lyon1.fr/R/pdf/course2.pdf). ade4 usees the duality diagram framework for computing pca and other matrix factorizations (so it provides lw and cw which are the row and columns weights). See Cruz and Holmes 2011 for a wonderful tutorial on the duality diagram framework https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3265363/

p4<-ade4::dudi.pca(P, scannf = FALSE, nf=2) # save 2 axis by default,
head(p4$tab) # centered/scaled data.
##         x_obs      y_obs
## 1 -1.79410466 -1.1472082
## 2 -0.99902168 -1.5273772
## 3  0.02510543 -1.7859484
## 4 -1.88926469 -1.9735368
## 5 -1.11674143 -1.9968913
## 6 -0.94133545 -0.4822568
##            x_obs      y_obs
## [1,] -1.78511160 -1.1414577
## [2,] -0.99401402 -1.5197211
## [3,]  0.02497959 -1.7769963
## [4,] -1.87979464 -1.9636443
## [5,] -1.11114369 -1.9868817
## [6,] -0.93661695 -0.4798394

The values used for centering are stored in cent, it is a the colMeans. norm provides the sd of the columns

p4$cent == colMeans(P)
## x_obs y_obs 
sd.n <- function(x) sqrt(var(x) * (length(x) - 1)/length(x))
identical(p4$norm,apply(P, 2, sd.n))
## [1] TRUE

The summary printout is equivalent to P3 (p3eig)above.Theeigenvalesarestoredinp4eig.

## Class: pca dudi
## Call: ade4::dudi.pca(df = P, scannf = FALSE, nf = 2)
## Total inertia: 2
## Eigenvalues:
##     Ax1     Ax2 
##  1.4705  0.5295 
## Projected inertia (%):
##     Ax1     Ax2 
##   73.53   26.47 
## Cumulative projected inertia (%):
##     Ax1   Ax1:2 
##   73.53  100.00
## [1] 1.4705472 0.5294528
##             CS1        CS2
## x_obs 0.7071068 -0.7071068
## y_obs 0.7071068  0.7071068
##          Comp1      Comp2
## x_obs 0.857481 -0.5145157
## y_obs 0.857481  0.5145157

The cumulative % of variance explained by each component ;

(k <- 100 * p4$eig/sum(p4$eig))
## [1] 73.52736 26.47264
## [1]  73.52736 100.00000

nf is an integer giving the number of axes kept. nf will always be lower that the number of row or columns of the matrix -1.

## [1] 2

c1 gives the variables’ coordinates, normed to 1. It is also called the coefficients of the combination or the loadings of variables. Equally the outpur matrix l1 gives the individuals’ coordinates, normed to 1. It is also called the loadings of individuals.

##             CS1        CS2
## x_obs 0.7071068 -0.7071068
## y_obs 0.7071068  0.7071068
sum(p4$cw * p4$c1$CS1^2)
## [1] 1

co gives the variables’ coordinates, normed to the square root of the eigenvalues.

##          Comp1      Comp2
## x_obs 0.857481 -0.5145157
## y_obs 0.857481  0.5145157
sum(p4$cw * p4$co$Comp1^2)
## [1] 1.470547

The link between c1 and co is defined by:

p4$c1$CS1 * sqrt(p4$eig[1])
## [1] 0.857481 0.857481

Comparision of results of different methods

There is also a nice package called factoextra. This works all of the above classes

res<- list(p0,p1,p2,p2b,p3,p4)
names(res) = c('svd_scaledData','prcomp', 'princomp','princomp_cov', 'FactoMineR', 'ade4')
# get_eig doesn't work on svd
svd.e<- t(eigSum.svd[c(1,3,4),])
svd.e[,2:3]<-svd.e[,2:3]*100 # Convert to %
colnames(svd.e)<- names(e[[1]])
e<- c(list(svd=svd.e),e)
## $svd
##      eigenvalue variance.percent cumulative.variance.percent
## [1,]  1.4705472         73.52736                    73.52736
## [2,]  0.5294528         26.47264                   100.00000
## $prcomp
##       eigenvalue variance.percent cumulative.variance.percent
## Dim.1  1.4705472         73.52736                    73.52736
## Dim.2  0.5294528         26.47264                   100.00000
## $princomp
##       eigenvalue variance.percent cumulative.variance.percent
## Dim.1   4069.345         77.55712                    77.55712
## Dim.2   1177.556         22.44288                   100.00000
## $princomp_cov
##       eigenvalue variance.percent cumulative.variance.percent
## Dim.1  1.4705472         73.52736                    73.52736
## Dim.2  0.5294528         26.47264                   100.00000
## $FactoMineR
##       eigenvalue variance.percent cumulative.variance.percent
## Dim.1  1.4705472         73.52736                    73.52736
## Dim.2  0.5294528         26.47264                   100.00000
## $ade4
##       eigenvalue variance.percent cumulative.variance.percent
## Dim.1  1.4705472         73.52736                    73.52736
## Dim.2  0.5294528         26.47264                   100.00000

Visualization and Exploration of results

The github package https://github.com/juba/explor is useful for exploring data. It includes plotting functions for many packages including ade4, FactoMineR and baseR functions prcomp and princomp;

For now on, it is usable the following types of analyses :

Analysis Function Package Notes
Principal Component Analysis PCA FactoMineR -
Correspondance Analysis CA FactoMineR -
Multiple Correspondence Analysis MCA FactoMineR -
Principal Component Analysis dudi.pca ade4 Qualitative supplementary variables are ignored
Correspondance Analysis dudi.coa ade4 -
Multiple Correspondence Analysis dudi.acm ade4 Quantitative supplementary variables are ignored
Specific Multiple Correspondance Analysis speMCA GDAtools Supplementary variables are not supported
Multiple Correspondance Analysis mca MASS Quantitative supplementary variables are not supported
Principal Component Analysis princomp stats Supplementary variables are ignored
Principal Component Analysis prcomp stats Supplementary variables are ignored
if(!"explor" %in% rownames(installed.packages())) devtools::install_github("juba/explor")
if(!"scatterD3" %in% rownames(installed.packages()))
res.ca <- CA(children, row.sup = 15:18, col.sup = 6:8)


Plotting using factoextra

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-50
plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-50
col.var = "contrib", # Color by contributions to the PC
gradient.cols = c("#00AFBB", "#E7B800", "#FC4E07"),
repel = TRUE # Avoid text overlapping
plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-51
plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-51
fviz_pca_biplot(p1, repel = TRUE,
col.var = "#2E9FDF", # Variables color
col.ind = "#696969" # Individuals color
plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-52
plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-52

Drawing Ellispe

Example using iris dataset

ir.pca<-prcomp(log(iris[,1:4]), center=TRUE, scale=TRUE)

Easiest approach:

ggplot2::autoplot(ir.pca, data=iris, colour="Species", frame=TRUE, frame.type="t")
plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-54
plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-54
ggplot(ir.pca,aes(PC1, PC2))+
geom_point() +
stat_density_2d(aes(alpha=..level.., fill=iris$Species), bins=4, geom="polygon")
plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-55
plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-55

stat_ellipse() and stat_density_2d() have a lot of options. See manual pages

multivariate normal distribution.

stat_ellipse(type = "norm", linetype = 2)  

Euclid, is a circle with radius = level

stat_ellipse(type = "euclid", level = 3) 

multivariate t-distribution

stat_ellipse(type = "t")